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Connect more deeply with your spiritual self and the earth, practice intelligently sequenced yoga to get out of pain, gain flexibility and strength, and learn mindfulness techniques to relieve stress. Be inspired toward positive transformation! Use these online resources to develop yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

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Self-commit to your health and well-being


Yoga practices to get out of pain and tightness in your body while calming your mind

GUIDE: Molly Vogel


INCLUDED: Practice options. Exclusive Content.
Live Classes. Yoga Videos for all Levels


A journey of Consciousness and Ascension, beginning with the personal will to transform and following your intimate and unique Light & Vibration.

GUIDE: Samiel Carolina


INCLUDED: Shakti Medicine. Liquid Light Body.
Temple 4 Arquetypes. Telegram Private Group.
Liquid Light Body Classes


60 minutes by Molly Vogel

Yoga for beginners classes are for everybody! They're to learn the poses, but mostly they're just to get yourself started with deep breaths, stretching out, and strengthening your body.
Yoga for Beginners

30 minutes by Molly Vogel

Yoga for beginners classes are for everybody! They're to learn the poses, but mostly they're just to get yourself started with deep breaths, stretching out, and strengthening your body.

60 - 90 min by Samiel Carolina

Cada mes, Carolina te ofrece clases de movimiento consciente del cuerpo físico y energético, armonizando tu potencial con tu Camino.

+120 min by Samiel Carolina

Un espacio tiempo sagrado y vital, en el camino de la Mujer Luminosa. Recuperando la medicina ancestral de los círculos de mujeres, Carolina facilita aperturas, activaciones […]

15 minutes by Molly Vogel

Immediately start moving your body in these dynamic practices to build up a sweat in just minutes.

60 - 70 minutes by Molly Vogel

Prioritize your health by committing to a schedule and joining the community of yoga practitioners. Join Molly for live online classes 3x per week, every week, to feel great in your skin.

8 Weeks by Rachel Posner

You deserve to feel calm, optimistic, and happy in your life. Your Brain on Mindfulness is what you’ve been looking for. Your Brain on Mindfulness is […]
Liquid Body destacada

+120 min by Samiel Carolina

Más que una clase, un curso completo diseñado para introducirte a la práctica esencial de Alquimia para la Nueva Tierra. Filmada en un rincón paradisíaco de […]

20 - 30 minutes by Molly Vogel

Gentle yoga videos are to safely stretch and strengthen the body with ease. Learn awareness, breath, alignment, pose details, and ways to get out of pain.

15 - 30 minutes by Molly Vogel

Tone & strengthen your core! These videos begin with a warm up and breath work.

30 - 90 minutes by Rachel Posner

Did I mention that when you purchase one for a loved one, I'll gift YOU with one? It's my way of saying, I'm grateful for you.

30 - 60 minutes by Molly Vogel

In these practices tone, lengthen, bring flexibility and aliveness to the full body to feel great in your skin.

10 Days by Nicola Wagstaff

The aim of this course is to give some structure around mindfulness but to suit your schedule. It’s about pausing 2 times a day; once in […]
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The aim of this course is to give some structure around mindfulness but to suit your schedule. It’s about pausing 2 times a day; once in the morning and once in the evening for just 5-10 mins. Each day there will be a different technique applied for you to feel what works best for you to take it forward as your new daily habit.